The below individuals and organizations are recognized as credible built environment professionals in the green sector by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). The below individuals in Montana have received the Certified Green Professional (CGP) designation from the NAHB through training.
*Note the list is alphabetical. Clicking on the individual’s name will take you to their profile on the NAHB website. More individuals may be recognized through the NAHB since this website was last updated.
Certified Green Professional Information From NAHB:
“The Certified Green Professional™ designation recognizes builders, remodelers and other industry professionals who incorporate green and sustainable building principles into homes — without driving up the cost of construction. The required courses provide a solid background in green building methods, as well as the tools to reach consumers, from the organization leading the charge to provide market-driven green building solutions to the home building industry.
CGP coursework is closely aligned with the ICC 700 National Green Building Standard, which includes chapters on energy, water and resource efficiency, indoor environmental quality, lot and site development and home owner education and is the core curriculum for the required CGP classes.
There are nearly 3,000 active CGPs in the United States working in all aspects of the high-performance home building and remodeling industry, from contractors and their subs to real estate agents and appraisal experts.”
- Tristan Alexander
- Byron Anderson
- Martin Beale
- Kenneth Broadhurst
- Katja Cassidy
- Mindy DeCosse
- Jim Devlin
- Alex Doyle
- River Duce
- Susan Dykhuizen
- George Eisenhart
- Brian Evans
- Rob Evans
- Logan Ferda
- Donald Fields, Jr.
- Austin Flynn
- Joseph Frank
- John Freer
- Matthew Gordon
- Eugene Graf
- John Haas
- Randy Honea
- Alec Housholder
- David Hughes
- David Jablonski
- Thomas Jensen
- Jed Koljonen
- Ty Lantis
- Kelwin Last-Star
- Gregg Marlenee
- Rob Martin
- Joanna Mayer
- Greg McCall
- Brad McCall
- Tammy Minge
- Beverly Murphy
- Sarah Phillips
- Chip Pigman
- Jason Pohlman
- Allen Ream
- Brad Reedstrom
- John Ross
- James Schafer
- Harrison Schreiner
- Edward Sexton
- Dustin Stepper
- Logan Taff
- Thomas Van Antwerp
- Michael Whitley-Layton